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Bed Bug & Termite Pen $10 Each

Bed Bug & Termite Pen $10 Each


The Bed Bug and Termite Pen is a must-have for any professional in the insect industry. Each pen is filled with real Bed Bugs and Termites, suspended in a beautiful metallic ink that adds a touch of elegance to any workspace. The pen has an excellent feel, with its simple and stylish design and metallic finish, making it a stylish addition to any collection. Additionally, the pen is refillable, ensuring that it can be used time and time again. Not only is it a functional writing tool, but it also serves as an educational tool, perfect for use on contracts or for showing consumers what Termites and Bed Bugs actually look like. Say goodbye to misconceptions about these pests - the Bed Bug & Termite Pen is here to educate and impress.

Metallic Color
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